Oral Presentation The International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ): 27th Annual Conference 2018

Veterinarian attitudes and behaviours to prepubertal desexing in the Australian Capital Territory  (#29)

Bronwyn Orr 1 , Bidda Jones 1 2 , Bethany Wilson 2
  1. RSPCA Australia, Deakin, ACT, Australia
  2. Sydney School of Veterinary Science, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Publish consent withheld
  1. TCCS Vet Board (2017). Register of Veterinary Surgeons - July 2017. ACT Government. https://www.tccs.act.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0015/1090050/20170731-VETERINARY-SURGEONS-BOARD-Public-Register.pdf
  2. Leung OYV et al (2016). Survey of recommendations given by Australian veterinarians on the age of desexing of dogs and cats. Australian Veterinary Practitioner 46(3) 72-82.