Melanie G Jones
Melanie G Jones is a Psychologist, Animal-Assisted Therapist and the Director of Lead the Way. She is also a Senior Canine Behavioural Trainer, with extensive experience in therapy- and therapeutic-dog training and certification. For over 15 years Melanie has supported children, adolescents and families in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs through the Lead the Way Psychology Clinic, providing quality clinical services to those in need.
Through Lead The Way Institute, Melanie trains fellow professionals in the science and practice of delivering Animal Assisted Interventions (AAI) via intensive training and certification courses, supervision, and seminars.
Seeing the importance of appropriate training, welfare, and clinical standards of those working in the AAI field, Melanie founded the Animal-Assisted Intervention Association of Australia (AAIAA). The AAIAA provides guidance, leadership and certainty in guidelines and standards of practice for AAI in Australia.
Testament to Melanie’s strong commitment to evidenced based treatments, she has established relationships with several universities in evaluating the efficacy of Lead the Way's work. To further this commitment, Melanie is currently undertaking her PhD at Orygen Youth Health & The University of Melbourne. Her PhD research explores the role of dogs and horses in psychology treatments for common mental health disorders. The completion of her PhD will result in Melanie further enhancing both the provision of clinical services at Lead the Way, and her ability to train others in the most up to date science of AAIs.
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